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How to Ease the Guilt When Leaving a Pet Behind for Vacation

Leaving behind a beloved pet when embarking on a vacation can trigger a lot of emotions, including guilt. But by planning and being prepared, you can relax and enjoy your trip knowing your pets will be eagerly waiting to give you a warm welcome home.

By Megan Grubbs | May 8, 2024, 16:10 PM

Leaving behind a beloved pet when embarking on a vacation can trigger a lot of emotions, guilt being the biggest of those. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or an extended vacation, the idea of separating from your furry friend can weigh heavily on your mind. However, you can approach the situation with understanding and preparedness, which may alleviate some of the guilt and ensure the well-being of both you and your pet.

Feeling Guilty is Normal

In this situation, it is essential to know that feeling guilty about leaving behind your pet is completely normal. Pets become a vital part of our daily lives and families, while offering unconditional love and companionship. The bond you create with your pet makes it understandable why leaving them behind can stir feelings of guilt and worry. It is crucial to understand that this temporary separation doesn’t diminish the love and care you share with your pet.

How to Lessen Your Guilt

To lessen your guilt, detailed planning is key. Before you depart for your trip, ensure that all your pet’s needs are properly taken care of. Arrange for a trusted friend, family member, or professional pet sitter to care for them in your home while you are away. To ensure your pet’s well-being, provide your sitter with detailed instructions on your pet’s daily routines, including feeding schedules, walks, and medication (if any).

Another option would be investing in quality pet services. Boarding facilities, pet resorts, or credible pet-sitting services can provide pets with a safe and comfortable environment, complete with personalized attention and enrichment activities to keep them busy while you are gone. Researching and selecting the best option that fits your pet’s needs will ease your guilt the most.

Protecting Your Trip with Travel Insurance

While you’re planning for your trip, finding travel insurance designed for pet owners also brings a sense of security while you are away. iTravelInsured Travel SE and iTravelInsured Travel LX offer additional benefits specifically for those with pets. If your return trip is delayed a certain number of hours, pet kennel benefits can help you cover the costs of extended pet boarding until you're able to make it home.

During your travels, technology has become a very valuable tool for pet parents who travel and want to stay connected to their furry friend. Some pet facilities give owners access to their webcams, allowing them to check in on their pets throughout the day. Plus, some of the webcams double as pet entertainment, where you can speak and give them treats. Being able to see your pet and know they're having fun while you're away can help give you peace of mind knowing they are being well taken care of.

The guilt of leaving your pets behind may linger, but understanding that you are taking the necessary steps to care for them while on vacation will ease that burden. By planning and being prepared with trusting caretakers who will keep you connected while away, you can relax and enjoy your trip. Whether you're gone for two days or two weeks, your pets will be eagerly waiting to give you a warm welcome home. 

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