MP+ International

Worldwide employer-sponsored group health insurance for mission groups

Summary of Benefits

The following benefits are offered to eligible insureds. The plan covers charges for Eligible Medical Expenses within the area of coverage. All amounts shown are in U.S. dollars.

Area of CoverageWorldwide
Maximum Limit per Lifetime$1,000,000 standard, $5,000,000 option available
Deductible per Calendar YearAll deductibles apply worldwide and are per Insured person
Family Deductible per Calendar YearTwo deductibles per family
U.S. Hospital Emergency Room InjuryNot subject to emergency room deductible
U.S. Hospital Emergency Room IllnessSubject to a $250 deductible for each emergency room visit for treatment that does not result in a direct hospital admission
International Hospital Emergency RoomCompany pays 100%
Coinsurance per Calendar Year

For Treatment received outside of the U.S.: 0%

U.S. Treatment:
Inside the PPO Network: Member pays 20% of eligible medical expenses until reaching $5,000, then 0% Utilizing Medical Concierge Provider: Member pays 15% of eligible medical expenses until reaching $5,000, then 0%
Outside the PPO Network: Member pays 40% of eligible medical expenses until reaching $5,000, then 0%

Eligible Medical ExpensesUp to the maximum limit. The maximum limit is not in addition to any other maximum limit for any other covered illness or injury
Hospital Room & BoardUp to the average semi-private room rate, including nursing service
Intensive Care UnitMaximum of three times (3x) average semi-private room rate
Mental or Nervous Disorders

Outpatient Treatment: Member pays 50% of eligible medical expenses and maximum of 40 visits per insured person per calendar year

Inpatient Treatment: Maximum of 30 days per Insured Person per Calendar Year

Physical Therapy$2,500 Maximum per Calendar Year
U.S.: Medical order or treatment plan required
Outside of the U.S.: Medical order or treatment plan required only for expenses over $1,000
Chiropractic CareMember pays 50% of eligible medical expenses up to $500 maximum per calendar year
Hospice$7,500 lifetime maximum per Insured Person
Home Nursing CareLimited to 30 days per Calendar Year
Extended Care FacilityLimited to 60 days per Calendar Year
Podiatry$750 maximum per Calendar Year
Adult or Child Preventative CareUp to $1,000 per calendar year. Not subject to deductible or coinsurance
Transplant$500,000 lifetime maximum for covered transplants
Hospital Indemnity BenefitOutside of the U.S.
Private Hospitals: $400 per overnight and $4,000 Maximum per Calendar Year
Public Hospitals: $500 per overnight and $5,000 Maximum per Calendar Year
Outpatient Physician/ Specialist Visit
(Office Visit Charge Only)
$25 copay within the U.S. PPO network
Physician Visits/ServicesSubject to deductible and coinsurance
Inter Facility Ambulance TransferMust be the result of an inpatient hospital admission
Not subject to deductible and coinsurance
Pregnancy and Newborn CareResult of natural insemination. Dependent child’s pregnancy not covered
Newborn routine care, diagnostic tests, and routine immunizations for the first 31 days of life. Subject to deductible and coinsurance
Pregnancy ComplicationsSubject to deductible and coinsurance
Sleep DisordersUp to $2,500 sleep aid per person per calendar year
Prescription and Medication

$250,000 limit per person annually
Subject to deductible and coinsurance

Outside the U.S.: Covered at 100%

Inside the U.S.:

  • Must utilize the Universal Rx card
  • Copay (per 30-day supply): Tier 1 - $15; Tier 2 - $30; Tier 3 - $60
  • Maximum limit of 90-day supply per prescription
  • Not subject to deductible and coinsurance
  • Prescriptions $3,000 and higher will require Universal RX (URX) to obtain prior authorization from the company
  • Any drug prescribed for usage that is directly or indirectly associated to an exclusion in this Certificate of Insurance may also be subject to Pre-Authorization
  • Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Medications for Dependent Children under age 26: Maximum Limit: $2,500 (combined with EPS)


Expatriate Prescription Services Program:

  • Maximum limit of 180-day supply per prescription
  • Copayments are per 30-day supply
  • Prescriptions $3,000 and higher will require Universal RX (URX) to obtain prior authorization from the company
  • Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Medications for Dependent Children under age 26: Maximum Limit: $2,500 (combined with EPS) – only for dependent children, not adults


Remote Medical Travel Benefit$2,500 Maximum Per Period of Coverage
Benefits only available with purchase of MP+ International Assistance Services
Emergency Hospital Admission Direct Transfer from Emergency Medical Evacuation $20,000 maximum limit
The maximum limit is not in addition to any other maximum limit for any other covered illness or injury
Emergency Reunion
  • Maximum limit: $15,000
  • Day maximum: 15
  • Meal maximum per day: $25
  • Reasonable and necessary travel costs and accommodations
  • Approved in advance by the company


Schedule of Benefits Plan I Plan II Plan III
Class I, Diagnostic, Preventive (Emergency Palliative Treatment - Not subject to deductible) 100% 100% 100%
Class II, Basic Service, Diagnostic, Preventive (X-Rays, oral surgery, extractions, endodontics, periodontics, anesthesia) 80% 80% 80%
Class III, Major Services, Diagnostic, Preventive (Prosthodontics (bridges, partial dentures), Major restorative services (crowns, inlays)) 50% 50% 50%
Orthodontia (Lifetime maximum $1,000) 0%50% 50%

Group Dental Insurance Plan I Plan II Plan III
Calendar Year Maximum per Person $1,000 $1,000 $1,500
Individual Deductible $50 $50 $50
Family Deductible $150 $150 $150
Optional Non-Insurance Benefits
Telehealth* Online and telephonic access to a network of medical professionals available to diagnose treat and prescribe for non-emergency medical issues. The best medicine brought to you and your family 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Remote Mental Health Service Telemedicine for mental health that offers support with financial, physical, and emotional wellbeing. Whether you have questions about handling stress at work or home, parenting and childcare, managing money or health issues, you can turn to Remote Mental Health Services for a confidential service that you can trust.
Travel Intelligence Portal This web-based portal allows the user to subscribe for location specific alerts for ten threat categories, including Security, Transportation, Health, Entry/Exit, Financial, Language, Cultural, Environmental, Legal, and Technology. Prior to travel, the portal can also be accessed to provide information such as visa, passport, immunization requirements, local customs, and medical referrals.

*Telehealth will not support a diagnosis for Mental or Nervous Disorders. Coverage for a Telehealth is not a determination that any specific condition discussed, raised or identified during such Consultation is covered under this insurance. We reserve the right to decline future claims relating to or arising from any condition discussed, raised or identified during a Telehealth where the illness or injury is directly or indirectly related to any Pre-existing Condition or is otherwise excluded under this Policy.

Employee Life Insurance

Employee Term Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment benefits are available for $10,000 and greater.Dependent Life Insurance is available as an optional coverage. It provides $10,000 of coverage for the dependent spouse and $5,000 of coverage for each dependent child over the age of six months.

Emergency Medical Evacuation

As an emergency situation arises that local (international) medical care cannot adequately treat, IMG medical staff coordinates all aspects of the medical evacuation. Because each evacuation is unique, a tailored action plan is developed to assure the best medical outcome. Some of those services included in the action plan are:

  • Verification of medical condition and determination that an evacuation is necessary
  • Research and identification of the nearest qualified medical facility to handle the individual medical situation faced by your member
  • Research and coordination of all evacuation transportation options including types and availability of appropriate transportation options, and necessary medical escort personnel
  • Coordination of the patient’s return to the U.S. (if necessary)

An Emergency Reunion Benefit also provides up to $15,000 of coverage toward travel and lodging expenses for a relative of a friend who accompanies a member who is evacuated.

If a covered illness or accident results in death, expenses for the Repatriation of Bodily Remains or ashes to the home country are covered up to $5,000.

Medical Travel Management

Nowhere is an affordable and stable premium more important than within the missionary community. IMG’s cutting-edge services are aimed at providing that needed stability. Claim costs drive premiums. Where your missionaries receive their medical care can, in large part, significantly impact your organization’s claim costs. Encouraging your members to receive their medical care overseas whenever feasible can help you take control and manage your claim costs. As a rule, medical care received in the U.S. will be considerably more costly than the same care received overseas. The more your members receive medical care overseas, the greater the savings in claim cost to your medical plan. The greater the savings, the more stable the premium.

We offer Medical Travel Management, an industry unique benefit designed to assist your members who are considering expensive medical procedures in the U.S. by incentivizing them to consider receiving that care with qualified providers overseas. The value to your medical plan can be quite substantial when thousands of dollars in cost savings can be realized. And the benefit for your members? They are paid a percentage of the realized savings when the cost of the procedure performed in the U.S. is compared to the cost of the same procedure incurred overseas. It’s a win-win situation for everyone!

The entire process is managed and coordinated for the benefit of your members by an experienced Case Manager with the full resources of IMG, including our in-house physician – IMG’s Chief Medical Officer. Your members are presented with their options so they can make an informed decision. Participants are assigned a designated case manager to help with the preparation of their treatment including:

  • Assistance in locating an accredited and qualified medical provider(s) to provide the necessary medical services
  • Coordination of the necessary services with the participant and with the medical provider, including patient care, travel, scheduling, and housing
  • Providing assistance with transfer and receipt of medical records before and after the services provided to the participant
  • Providing follow up services to monitor medical needs after return of participant to residence


This invitation to inquire allows eligible applicants an opportunity to inquire further about the insurance offered and is limited to a brief description of any loss for which benefits may be payable. Benefits are offered as described in the insurance contract. Benefits are subject to all deductibles, coinsurance, provisions, terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions in the insurance contract. The contract does contain a pre-existing condition exclusion and does not cover losses or expenses related to a pre-existing condition.


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  • "Although one hopes never to use travel insurance, IMG was a godsend throughout our ordeal. We couldn’t have done it without your continued assistance."
    Joan D. United States
  • "I took comfort in the fact
    that IMG had my back."

    Mark K. - United States

    While skiing in Chile, Mark, an IMG member, found himself on the brink of paralysis.