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Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take to process a claim?

A complete proof of claim must be received by IMG prior to making any benefit determinations. Once all information is received, then claims are promptly processed in accordance with industry standards. However, when additional information is required to complete your claim, processing will be delayed. For medical claims, the insured will receive an Explanation of Benefits indicating what is needed for further consideration. For travel claims, the insured will be notified by email and/or SMS text. Failure to comply may result in the insured's claim being closed for lack of response.

Where do I mail my claim?

For faster processing, we recommend that all claims be submitted online at If you prefer to mail in your claim, please refer to the address listed on your ID card. Please note that claims received by mail will add to the overall processing time (between 1 - 4 weeks).

Am I required to complete an IMG claim every time I go to the doctor?

If you are attending a physician as part of your medical benefits, we encourage all insureds to complete a claim for each new onset of an illness or injury. This process gives IMG knowledge that you are receiving medical treatment and allows us to watch for appropriate billing to be filed on your behalf.

If you are cancelling or interrupting your trip due to illness or injury, you will be required to submit a Certificate of Medical Condition form completed by your doctor to certify the reasoning.

What is a Proof of Claim?

Proof of Claim is defined within your plan or Certificate of Insurance. Complete Proof of Claim must be received by IMG prior to making any benefit determinations. Once all information is received, then claims are promptly processed in accordance with industry standards. However, when additional information is required to complete the Proof of Claim, processing will be delayed. The insured will receive an Explanation of Benefits indicating what is needed for further consideration. Failure to comply may result in the insured's claim being closed for lack of response.

What can I do if I disagree with a benefit determination made by IMG?

For Medical Claims:

You can submit a claims appeal on MyIMG by navigating to the claims page and clicking the details of a specific claim. A claims appeal may also be sent to IMG in writing requesting a review of previously processed claims.

It is important that you submit your appeal and any supporting documentation within 90 days of the original claims determination. Your appeal will be reviewed and promptly responded to in accordance with your particular insurance plan or certificate. Claim appeals should be forwarded to:

International Medical Group
Attn: Claims Appeals
PO Box 240429
Apple Valley, MN 55124, USA

For Travel Claims:

You can submit a claims appeal on MyIMG by navigating to the claims page and clicking the details of a specific claim. A written formal claims appeal may also be sent to IMG requesting a review of previously processed claims. It is important that you submit your appeal and any supporting documentation within ninety (90) days of the original claims determination. Your appeal will be reviewed and promptly responded to in accordance to your particular insurance plan or certificate. Claim appeals should be forwarded to:

IMG iTravelInsured® Claims
Attn: Claims Appeals
PO Box 241853
Apple Valley, MN 55124, USA

Where can I find specific claim forms?

You should only fill out downloadable claim forms if you have been specifically directed to do so by IMG. Otherwise, all new claims should be submitted online using MyIMG. If you have already submitted a claim and additional information is required that asks for a certain form to be filled out, you may download from the Claim Forms section below and submit on MyIMG.